Israel War Journal
01/14/24 3:15pm: Am Yisrael Chai - As Long As We Are United
There are countless billboards, songs, and promotional spots throughout Israel reminding the people that "The People of Israel Live As Long As We Are Untied"
These are words that we must remember at all times.
It is the goal of Israel's enemies, both in battle and in the media, to divide the Jewish people. In this time of war for our survival, we cannot allow that to happen.
On the physical war front things keep intensifying. Yesterday, a Hezbollah rocket from Lebanon killed two people in their home: Barak Ayalon from the Kfar Yuval security unit, and his 76 year old mother, Mira. What would your reaction be if, God forbid, a rocket from Mexico killed two of your family members in their home in a residential district, after hundreds of other rockets had been shot at your suburban area? What action would you demand be taken by the US government? Before judging any action of Israel, really emotionally connect with that, and with what your response would be to the deaths of your father, brother, or grandmother.
Israel will be retaliating harder against Hezbollah, and has already started airstrikes in Lebamom to take out Hezbollah bases. Hezbollah has sent hundreds of rockets into Israel since Oct. 7 on an almost daily basis; and Minister Gallant said last week that although Jerusalem prefers a diplomatic solution to war, "the hourglass is about to be overturned". Fighting in central and south Gaza is a also intense as the IDF is forced to go house by house and street by street to remove Hamas terrorists, and they still keep finding tunnels.
At the same time, the world is working hard to create conflict within Israel and between Israel and Diaspora Jews on two fronts. The first front can be seen with the accusations that Israel's response to Gaza is "disproportional" that Israel is causing the suffering of "innocents" in Gaza, and that Gaza should be allowed to recover (and re-arm). This argument has resulted in the trial of Israel in the Hague; the castigation of Israel worldwide; and most sadly, with too many Diaspora Jews calling, along with the Jew haters, for an immediate cease fire.
The second attack on Jews and Israel by the media and Jew haters is even more insidious. Over 130 hostages are still being kept by Gazans, and this attack (which is becoming more successful over time) is the reason. By keeping the hostages, it is causing divisiveness within Israel, as family members of hostages are demonstrating against the Israeli government and demanding the war be stopped in order to get their hostage family members home. While there is absolutely no reason to believe that any truce would get hostages returned, and in fact the opposite would probably happen and at the best we might get a few of those 130 returned... like all of is, we want to believe anything in the hope of taking care of our family. Right now there is a 24 hour demonstration going on in Israel by family members of hostages demanding that the government cease fire in order to get hostages returned.
Hostages were taken to create divisiveness among us, and to a certain extent, it is working.
As Diaspora Jews, we cannot let this two pronged attack to divide us. We cannot in any way succumb to the pressure for Israel to cease fire before the mission of eradicating Hamas is completed. If we stop before that mission is done, we can be guaranteed that the tragedies of October 7 will be repeated. As painful as all of this is, we must remain resolute in finishimg this mission and creating a safe space for Israel to live in peace.
At the same time, today has found numerous demonstrations in European capitol cities that are demanding European support of Israel. Germany has already come out in support, and these demonstrations will hopefully inspire European governments to publicly back Israel in this war against evil.
We are Diaspora Jews, and we must stand with each other and with Israel. Uncondtionally and without hesitation. In prayer and action, we must support her fully.
And we must remember... Am Yisrael Chai as long as we are united.
Chazak u'Baruch
Rabbi Michael Barclay
January 14, 2024
4th of Shvat, 5784
01/14/24 5:36am: 100 Days
Today is the 100th day....
100 days since the Hamas terrorists surrendered their human souls and committed acts so heinous and depraved that they demonstrated that they are truly the modern incarnation of Amalek.
100 days since innocent Israeli civilians were targeted for rape, kidnapping, torture, and murder.
100 days since the old, women, children, and even babies were killed, and kidnapped into Gaza. 100 days since babies were beheaded, women raped on top of the corpses of their boyfriends, and horrors perpetrated that rivaled even the Nazis.
100 days since over 1200 people were killed, and over 240 people kidnapped... taken to tunnels and kept as bargaining chips for the evils of Hamas.
100 days of our brothers and sisters in Israel fighting the epitome of evil every moment of every day.
100 days since every Jew was united, and we all were saying things like "Never Again" will we allow the horrors of the Holocaust to be repeated.
100 days since we all said "Never Forget", and committed ourselves to never forgetting the horrors and depravities that they did to us on October 7.
100 Days...
100 days when each of us could have remembered better; done more for Israel, Judaism, and our fellow Jews; and made it a point to be active in every way to support the war in Israel and fight Jew-hatred domestically.
100 days... and I know that I could have done more for our people in every one of them...
What will each of us will each of us step up for Israel and Judaism in the next 100 days...100 minutes... 100 seconds...
"Never Forget" is now
Chazak u'Baruch
Rabbi Michael Barclay
January 14, 2024
4th of Shvat, 5784
01/12/24 3:30pm: Single Source for Detailed History of Israel/Palestine/Hamas Now on Our Website
Many people have asked that I create a single document that can be a one stop source of information about the history of Israel and the surrounding region, as well the myth of "palestine", the reality of Gaza, and the history of Hamas.
While by no means complete, there is now on our website this single document that you can refer to for undeniable information about the region.
The link is Truth About Israel/Palestine.
I hope this helps you personally and in discussions with others.
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Michael Barclay
January 12, 2024
2nd of Shvat, 5784
01/12/24 10:00am: The Hague & the Houthis, Moses, & Shabbat Services Tomorrow Morning
The "trial" in the Hague is continuing, and Israel spent their time last night pointing out the many fallacies to the South African charges of genocide. Images of how Hamas uses hospitals, schools, etc. as bases were shown to the court, as well as how Hamas is the one actually responsibile for the killing of Gazan civilians. This morning at about 7:00am, the government of Germany made an announcement that Israel has not committed genocide, and that Germany will be seeking to intervene as a third party at the ICJ trial.
Last night, a coalition led by the U.S. and U.K. attacked Iran backed Houthi bases in Yemen in order to start freeing up the shipping lanes. By this morning, Hamas had already condemned the U.S. for doing this, as it will help relieve pressure on Israel.
All of this happens as our Torah portion describes the start of God's redemption of the Hebrews, and the beginning of the plagues sent to Egypt. The portion talks about how the Hebrews had little faith in God, and no faith in Moses, as "their spirits had been crushed by cruel bondage" (Ex. 6:9). As we all know, ultimately the plagues put on Egypt would help the Hebrews to start having faith again, and they would be redeemed into freedom and ultimately, to the promised land of Israel.
Like our ancestors in Egypt, many 20th/21st century Jews have also lost faith in God over the last decades. While our ancient ancestors suffered and were physical slaves in Egypt; modern Jews have experienced a devastation on October 7 that can easily lead us to a lack of faith (especially in combination with the history of the Holocaust). The hardships of the ancient Hebrews' slavery was increased when Moses first came, and their faith in God decreased as life was at first made even more difficult. As we see the world condemn us for defending ourselves; as we see the huge Jew hatred worldwide; and as we see the charade at the Hague... it would be easy for us all to also lose faith in God's relationship with the Jewish people.
But we all know the end of the story of the Exodus, and we need to have faith that this story we are living will also ultimately show God's Presence to the world. As challenging as this time is for Israel and all Jews, we need to have faith that it will all end up as a testament to God through the Jewish people.
The horrors of October 7 unified the Jewish people. It caused the entire Jewish nation to cry out to God in prayer and anguish. Like our ancestors, we all cried out in the suffering. We need to keep that unified connection as we go through the challenges in the world; and know that we too will ultimately be redeemed.
One way to keep that connection is, as Rabbi Hillel taught 2000 years ago, to "tie ourselves to the community". Shabbat morning services are a great time to renew that unified connection... to remind ourselves that we are Jews and are not alone. I hope to see you tomorrow morning for Shabbat services and study session at 10:00am at our sanctuary, and for the pot luck brunch following (dairy or pareve).
While we are being attacked in physical war in Israel, we are also attacked worldwide. We must keep our faith and our connections to each other. It is true that as long as we are united, Am Yisrael Chai
Chazak u'Baruch
Rabbi Michael Barclay
January 12th, 2024
2nd of Shvat, 5784
01/11/24 2:00pm: Today is an Important Jewish Holiday!
Amidst all the craziness at the Hague, and the war, we must still take a moment to recognize today as an important and ancient holiday in Judaism.
Today is Rosh Chodesh Shvat, the first day of the Hebrew month of Shvat
While all Rosh Chodesh days are important holidays in which the women lead the services of welcoming in the new month, this particular starting day of Shvat is one of the most important days in our calendar.
Today is a day of "Mattan Torah", the "giving of Torah". This important title is reserved for only two days: the holiday of Shavuot, when the physical written Torah was given to Israel; and today. On this day almost 3700 years ago, Moses began an oral recapitulation to the Hebrews of the Torah along with his personal.commemtary and understanding. (Deut. 1:3) On this day began the tradition of "Oral Torah" that continued through the Talmud all the way to today.
We are taught that today holds the special opportunity to open ourselves up to deeper meanings of the Torah for the whole year. So what does that really mean and what should we do?
If we study even just a little bit of Torah today, we open the doorway for each of us to have deeper understandings of Torah and Judaism all year long. Moreover, we create the opportunity for a deeper connection with Judaism, Israel, and God for the entire year.
So here's what to do. Take a few minutes and study just a bit of the Torah. It can be anything: the weekly portion (which deals with the beginning of the plagues visited upon Egypt); a Torah Talk that has been sent out any time during the past year; or just open up the Bible and turn to any page in the Torah (first five books only) and read the page you turn to.
All it takes is a few minutes today, before sunset, of study. It will help you understand more of Judaism all year long, and create a deeper soul connection with Israel... something that is desperately needed in this time of war.
A few minutes of investment will benefit you all year long. Isn't it worth taking just those few minutes today?
May the studying of today lead to us all being more aware and conscious human beings: Jews who are tied to our tradition, our people, and Israel.
Chazak u'Baruch
Rabbi Michael Barclay
January 11, 2024
1st of Shvat, 5784
01/11/24 9:04am: Why This Kangaroo Court is Extremely Dangerous For Israel's Survival
The International Court of Justice (World Court) in the Hague began it's trial of Israel last night. While many people are looking at it with disdain, it is important to recognize how potentially dangerous and destructive this show is.
I think we all understand what is actually happening here. South Africa is charging Israel with genocide, and there are judges from nations that have less than a stellar history with regard to anti-Israel and Jew hating. South Africa is basing its charges on the Hamas story of how bad it is in Gaza right now, as well as the Cabinet Ministers including Netanyahu, Gallant, et al being clear that their ultimate goal is to utterly destroy Hamas. As the Israel Foreign Ministry has said, "South Africa is acting as the legal arm of the Hamas terrorist organization".
But this is much more than just a show, and is potentially extremely dangerous to Israel's very survival.
The ultimate decision of this trial may take years, but South Africa is asking for the court to immediately issue provisional orders against Israel. Provisional orders can be issued quickly, and more importantly, provisional orders require a much lower level of proof. All that is needed for the ICJ to issue provisional orders is if there is any "plausibility" to South Africa's claims, a much lower threshold.
Such a ruling, God forbid, would be perilous for Israel on multiple levels.
The ICJ is one of the six principal organs of the United Nations. It is the "legal" arm of the UN, but it has the power of the entire organization behind it. Although it can do little itself, any judgments it makes can be enforced by the United Nations in the forms of everything from sanctions to deploying UN Security Forces. It could, God forbid, effectively stop, or at least severely curtail Israel's ability to do international business. It could leverage sanctions against Israel, and against any nation that supports Israel in any way...even the United States. It can send UN troops into the area to "escort humanitarian aid" to Gaza, even getting in combat with the IDF who is screening all "aid" before letting it in.
There are countless ways for this to become problematic, God forbid. The South African representatives are playing to their audience both in the court and in the world opinion. Already, Linda Sarsour and her ilk have sent out mass emails this morning using the trial at the Hague as a fundraising opportunity for their Jew hating organizations (I'm not sure why she sent one to me lol). If the ICJ issues a provisional order, it could, God forbid, be more problematic than most people realize.
Let us pray fervently that by some miracle all Nachmanides and the Disputations of Spain, this ICJ speedily recognizes the falsities of South Africa's claims, and dismisses the entire case. Let us all recognize what the United Nations has become over the last decades: an organization that has condemned Israel in formal resolutions more than all other nations combined.
And let us all do everything we can to give Israel the strength and courage to do what must be done, no matter the circumstances. This is a war against Amalek and for the very survival of Israel, and we cannot let any others like South Africa or the UN determine our right to survive.
Chazak u'Baruch
Rabbi Michael Barclay
January 11, 2024
1st of Shvat, 5784
01/10/24 3:03pm: The Qatari Peace Deal that Blinken Supports
Discussions are ongoing in the Cabinet about the proposed Qatari peace deal, which Blinken apparently is also behind, but the following parts of it were leaked to Channels 12, 13, and Ynet:
---Hamas leaders could leave Gaza in exchange for slow release of hostages
---IDF must immediately conclude its offensive in Gaza
---Palestinian prisoners would be released
---SkyNews Arabic is also claiming that Hamas would need to stay in governance of Gaza
Nothing has been confirmed by the Cabinet, so these are only leaks to media outlets. As a result, I won't comment on any of it other than to let you know what is supposedly being discussed
Chazak u'Baruch
Rabbi Michael Barclay
January 10, 2024
29th of Tevet, 5784
01/10/24 11:10am: The Key to a Real Peace is Not Politics, But Faith
As you are reading this email, the Cabinet is and has been discussing a Qatari truce proposal for return of hostages. There are all sorts of rumors about this proposal, but still nothing released formally as of 10:30am PST.
At the same time, Blinken is exerting pressure for Gaza to be controlled by the Palestinian Authority after his meeting with Abbas. Blinken is convinced that Abbas is "committed to reforming" the P.A., and that Gaza should be under their authority...the same situation that started this mess in 2005.
In Lebanon, the German Foreign Minister pledged 15 million Euros (16 million dollars) to bolster Lebanese armes forces in the south in preparation for a war with Israel.
If you ever wonder how even the Western nations stand in relation to Israel...see where they pledge their money and political support.
...and tomorrow the world puts us on trial for genocide in the International World Court, with charges brought against us by South Africa and judged by Jew-hating justices.
But we must always remember that the external world has always hated us, and yet we survive and thrive. Our partnership with God has kept us alive, and always will... whether in the face of rockets or politicians. Faith and action in partnership with God has always and will always lead to Am Yisrael Chai
Chazak u'Baruch
Rabbi Michael Barclay
January 10, 2024
29th of Tevet, 5784
01/09/24 11:54am: News Just in From Safed & Inspiration From the Carlebachs
I just received the following text from my friend and teacher Reb Avraham Greenbaum in Safed:
"Just to give you a heads up the Israel health ministry has ordered all hospitals to prepare for thousands of possible casualties and that transportation between hospitals could become difficult
So we are expecting serious escalation ahead.
This will be our finest hour"
The fact that the health ministry has put the citizens in the north on alert implies that things are about to get even more intense. Again, I want to encourage you right now to go to to help the Bnai Zion Hospital as it's new bomb proof bunker hospital will be desperately needed, and they need more medical equipment.
I believe in the saying that "coincidence is God's way of staying anonymous". Immediately after I got that text from Reb Avraham, I received an email with a link to Neshama Carlebach's new song and video "Invincible Spirit", which is a powerful and moving piece that combines different music of her father, R. Shlomo Carlebach z"l. Watch it here: Neshama Carlebach - Invincible Spirit (In Solidarity with Israel)
Be aware of where this is all heading. Experience the words and music of the Carlebachs. And have faith that Reb Avraham is right, and that out of this war we will finally have a real peace for the nation of Israel, safe in the blessing of God's protection.
Chazak u'Baruch
Rabbi Michael Barclay
January 9, 2024
28th of Tevet, 5784
01/09/24 6:00am: A Second "War" in Everything But Name & Rabbi Schwartzie and the Tzaddikim of Safed
For all intents and purposes, Israel is in a war on a second front in the north in everything but an official declaration.
At approximately midnight PST, dozens of rockets were shot in the north, and sirens have been blazing across the region, including over the holy city of Safed. Within 5 minutes of the start of the attacks, Lebanese media reported that Israeli drones were attacking a mere 10 kilometers (about 6 miles) from the Israel/Lebanon border. The targeted strike took out a car containing 3 Hezbollah leaders.
At about 2:00am PST, a Hezbollah drone successfully attacked the IDF Northern Command Headquarters. We are at war in the north.
This intensified conflict comes after months of Hezbollah launching rockets across the border, and in the wake of the death of Al-Arouri, a senior Hamas leader who was killed in a targeted strike in Lebanon a few days ago.
Although Israel never wants war, and certainly not on simultaneous fronts, the country has resigned itself for months that war would probably flare up in the north eventually, as a "new reality" must be created where Israelis in the north can live safely. Over 80,000 Israelis are currently displaced from their homes in the north.
Please take a few moments to send prayers of safety, protection, and healing to Israeli civilians and soldiers in the north. Study online a few words or teachings by Rabbi Isaac Luria, Rabbi Yosef Caro, or a meditation by Rabbi Moshe Cordevero... or just think about Rabbi Shlomo "Schwartzie" Schwartz; all of whom are buried in the cemetery in Safed. Our synagogue would not exist without Schwartzie, who inspired me to recognize that American Jews needed a community with no mandatory dues or fees that would exist only on voluntary donations of the heart.
(If you want to see more about Schwartzie, click here for a brief talk by Rabbi Barclay at Schwartzie's memorial.
Or click here to see Schwartzie give a brief teaching)
Let us all pray that these tzaddikim (righteous souls) of blessed memory help to keep the north of Israel safe now, always, and forever.
Chazak u'Baruch
Rabbi Michael Barclay
January 9, 2024
28th of Tevet, 5784
01/08/24 7:50am: We Must Not Let Ourselves Get Weary, But Always Know that Am Yisrael Chai
I know that we are all tired of the war in Israel, weary of the non stop media attacks, and of the pressure to just end this war already.
But as tired as any of us are, it is nothing compared to those living in Israel.
Perhaps they are serving in the IDF in Gaza or the north: cold and without sleep. Maybe they are praying non-stop for a friend or family member who is still a hostage, and has been suffering as a prisoner of Hamas for over three months. Or it could be a "fortunate" Israeli, who has not personally lost a fsmily member, but knows so many other families who have been saying Mi Sheberach, or God forbid, Kaddish.
We must all stay conscious of what is happening in Israel every moment of every day. This is a war for the survival of Israel, the Jewish people, and Western culture.
And the war is expected to is the pressure from Western media to have a cease fire and let Gaza recover. But we must realize that the truth of Hamas (and all incarnations of Amalek) is that they do not view a cease fire as a peace, but as a pause until they can commit more atrocities. Their charter is clear about that, as is the words of their leaders.
But the leaders in Israel recognize this sad truth, and as Prime Minister Netanyahu's office said today, they are committed to finishing the mission. "I have a clear message for our enemies: what happened on October 7 will not happen again."
But the fighting continues, especially in the south of Gaza and on Israel's northern border areas. The IDF announced that a Hezbollah attack took out some of the north's air traffic communications. Israeli commanders have spolen about the war lasting through 2024; and Defense Minister Gallant warned that Iran backed Hezbollah must be stopped, and that Israel "can copy paste what happened in Gaza to Beirut".
I believe in miracles, and Judaism is based in the repetitive miracles with which God has always blessed our people. God will again redeem us from this evil, but it may not happen overnight. Cleaning up Gaza will take time, and the fighting with Hezbollah in the north intensifies every day.
Which is why we Diaspora Jews must be vigilant in our prayers and action. We must do all that we can to support Israel, and pray daily for her protection, safety, and a lasting peace.
One of the things that have come out of this war is an amazing version of Am Yisrael Chai by Eyal Golan, which has swept Israel. In it, he reminds us that "The nation of Israel lives, if we don't forget to always be united".
Listen to the song; read the english translation of the words; and see the images of the faith of our brothers and sisters in Israel. And have faith... Golan - Am Yisrael Chai
We are all part of the nation of Israel. An eternal nation and a people dedicated to all that is good in the world.
Say a Psalm a day for the IDF. Pray from your heart. Cry or dance, and let our honest emotioms support our people in this time of need.
Now is the time to embrace your Judaism, your faith, and show your heart and soul to the woeld through prayers and by being a proud Jew who shows the world the beauty of our faith in words and deeds.
Am Yisrael Chai
Chazak U'Baruch
Rabbi Michael Barclay
January 8, 2024
27th of Tevet, 5784
01/07/24 2:39pm: All the World's a Stage as the World Puts Israel in Trial
When Shakespeare wrote that "all the world's a stage" over 400 years ago, he could not have imagined how we would be seeing that truth in the form of Jew hatred today. I think that even the creator of Shylock would be shocked at the play that goes on about Israel.
We see it daily: the hypocrisy of the United Nations, who has accused Israel of more crimes than all other countries combined; the disparity between what Israel’s “allies” in Europe and America say about the horrors of October 7 and how they actually act towards Israel when it seeks to defend itself from that evil; even the hypocrisy of “Jewish” organizations and leaders more concerned with placating pro-palestinian demonstrators than standing up for Jewish values and the Jewish people.
And now another “play” is being performed on the world stage this coming week, this time at The International Court of Justice in The Hague. South Africa has charged Israel with committing genocide in Gaza.
The ironies abound. South Africa, who for decades practiced apartheid policies and persecuted its own people, is charging Israel, a nation conceived and dedicated to the respect of every human soul. The court itself is one of the six principal organs of the United Nations, which has become a mouthpiece for Jew hatred and anti-Israel rhetoric for decades. The current 15 Justices on the ICJ include representatives from Lebanon, China, Somalia, Morocco, and the Russia Federation among others: nations with a pre-established history of anti-Semitic patterns. The Chief Justice is an Obama appointee, and has repeatedly demonstrated her anti-Israel views. But this body is now supposed to judge Israel for responding to the horrors committed by Gaza on October 7. These people are putting themselves as judges over Israel’s right to defend herself. They are going to act out a play whose theme is anti-Israel on a world stage: a kangaroo court as a show to castigate Israel.
Israel announced today the actor that they will be sending to the court. Retired President of the Israel Supreme Court Aharon Barak will be defending Israel. An 87 year old Holocaust survivor, he is a brilliant scholar; but also the leader of interpreting Israel’s Basic Law as a Constitution. It was Barak who really passed the idea during his Presidency that the courts in Israel have power over the elected legislature, effectively making elections by the people subservient to the decisions of appointed judges. He was chosen for his legal brilliance and respect in the international community, and also because he is anything but an ally of Netanyahu, who personally approved his selection.
Whatever Barak does or does not do, the odds are stacked heavily against him and Israel. It is anticipated that he will attempt to present footage of the depravities of October 7 from Hamas body cameras as well as other evidence supporting Israel’s actions in Gaza. Barak has been reviled by Israeli activists on both the left and the right, but both sides believe he is dedicated to Israel unconditionally, and will serve the country well.
Are we seeing history repeat itself? It all feels familiar to those who are aware of the Disputations of Barcelona in 1263, where the royal court was to determine if Judaism was legitimate in not accepting Jesus as the Messiah. Despite the odds stacked against the Jews, represented by Nachmanides, the ultimate decision was a “draw”. Nachmanides was so effective in his arguments that Jewish theology was accepted as legitimate even by the panel of Catholic judges. So much so that King James 1 awarded Nachmanides 300 gold coins; declared that never before had he heard an unjust cause so nobly defended”; and attended and spoke at a Shabbat service in the Barcelona synagogue, where he addressed the congregation… a thing unheard of in that time period.
We can only hope that Barak will be at least as successful as Nachmanides almost 700 years ago. The court is stacked; the world’s public opinion is waiting to convict Israel; and the terrorists are waiting for justification for their actions.
May Aharon Barak find the strength, wisdom, and tools needed to change the preformed judgment of this court; and may the world clearly see the evil of Hamas and the need for its entire and total destruction.
Chazak u’Baruch
Rabbi Michael Barclay
January 7, 2024
26th of Tevet, 5784
01/06/24 6:29pm: A Worldwide Call for the Murder of All Jews & What Hezbollah is Really Attacking and Why?
Shavuah tov. Islamic State spokesman Abu al-Ansari, in a speech that was also published and sent out worldwide, has called for all supporters of ISIS around the world to attack and kill Jews to avenge to deaths of Hamas terrorists. He instructs all Moslems and terrorist cells to "kill them wherever you can find them", specifically encouraging attacks on "synagogues, Jewish gatherings, and Israeli diplomatic missions" in the United States and Europe. Please be situationally aware, and know that at every gathering, service, or event at our Temple there is always armed security.
After three months, the IDF has announced that it has dismantled the Hamas' military framework in the northern Gaza strip. They are now focusing on the central and southern parts of Gaza. While there will still be "battles and sporadic rocket fire", the IDF is saying that the infrastructure has been dismantled and can no longer carry out large scale attacks.
At the same time, things are getting more intense in the north of Israel as Hezbollah fired over 40 projectiles into northern communities today as "an initial response" to the death of the Hamas leader in Beirut last week; and Hezbollah chief Nasrallah is vowing even more attacks. At the same time, Defense Minister Gallant has told the US envoy that there is only a "short window left for diplomatic understandings with Hezbollah", and that "there is only one possible result---a new reality in the northern arena, which will allow for the secure return of our citizens".
So far, 80,000 residents of the north have been displaced by Hezbollah attacks, which began in conjunction with the Hamas depravities of October 7, and are direct violations of UN treaties agreed to by Hezbollah.
On a spiritual level, these attacks are directly against the essence of Judeo-Christian values and history. The north of Israel is important theologically to both traditions (but not to Islam). For Christians, it is the home of the Galilee (called "kinneret" in hebrew), where Jesus spent most of his life, taught, found most of his disciples, and where according to the Book of Matthew, many of the most famous of his miracles happened, including walking on water. To attack that region is to attack the heart of much of Christianity.
For us, these attacks are equally as deep. The city of Tiberias on the shores of the Galilee is considered one of the four holiest cities of Judaism, along with Safed (also in the north), Hebron, and Jerusalem. Founded by Herod around 20 C.E., it has been a Jewish hub of spirituality for almost 2000 years. To visit Tiberias is to see the tombs of many of Judaism's greatest Sages and historical figures. Moses' mother, sister, and wife are all buried there, along with Bilhah and Zilpah (handmaids of Rachel and Leah) at the Tomb Mark of the Matriarchs. The list of other final resting places in tombs or graves in Tiberias reads like a who's who of Jewish History: Maimonides and Ramchal are joined by Rabbi Akiva, Rabbi Meir, Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai and others from the Talmud to name a few. But Tiberias is not the only town being assaulted by Hezbollah.
Safed, one of the other four holiest cities, is also under siege. Safed (also called Tzfat) is considered one of the homes of Jewish mysticism. Former residents of Safed who are now buried there include R. Shlomo Alkabetz (author of L'cha Dodi); R. Moshe Cordevero, the great mystic and master of meditative techniques; and R. Yosef Karo, author of the Shulchan Aruch, the code of Jewish law. It was also the home and is the burial place of R. Isaac Luria, the great mystic who developed the Lurianic Kabballistic understandings and techniques that we practice today. For those who have been to Safed, the entire city emanates a holiness and "mysticism", as it overlooks the Galilee from the highest point in the region.
These attacks by Hezbollah are not just attacks on the nation of Israel; they are purposeful attacks on the roots of both Judaism and Christianity. For numerous reasons, there is something deeply moving to both Christians and Jews when they arrive in Tiberias and Safed. The land itself seems to be infused with a Divine spirit that is at the root of both faiths...but not of Islam, for which the city bears no meaning. Hezbollah seeks to destroy that Judeo-Christian mystical root.
Gallant's comments about creating a new reality in the north is a double entendre. There must be a safe reality for the citizens living in the north; and there must also be a reality where this heart of not only Judaism, but Christianity is safe and protected.
In the land of Israel, history combines with the present to create a unique holiness in this world. The attacks on the north are attacks on our past, our present, and by extension, our future.
May the Master of the Universe keep the north of Israel protected; its people safe; and its spirituality pure. And May the Holy One and His Presence protect and keep safe all Diaspora Jews as we continue to support our brothers, sisters, and ancestors in the Holy Land.
Chazak U'Baruch
Rabbi Michael Barclay
January 6, 2024
26th of Tevet, 5784
01/05/24 5:15pm: How Our Hebrew Names Will Help Us Win This War
Many of our Sages throughout the centuries have recommended that we look to the Torah portion of the week to understand world circumstances.
As we look at Israel, the war, and the world, it seems oppressive. The horrors of October 7 have developed into a full blown war on multiple fronts... a war that will probably continue to expand. American society has embraced Jew hatred more than any time in my lifetime, and many people have reached out to speak with me about how scared they are of even letting people know that they are Jewish. As our Sages taught, we can see what to do and deepen our understanding by looking at the Torah reading this week.
This week, the Torah reading is the first chapters of the Book of Exodus, called "Shemot", meaning "names". It deals with the birth of Moses, and goes into detail about how our ancestors were living in slavery, pain, and fear. The portion includes God assigning Moses his mission, and beginning the confrontations between Moses and Pharaoh. ("Pharaoh" can also be split into the hebrew words "peh rah", meaning "evil mouth")
The circumstances of the ancient Hebrews were dark. They were truly slaves both physically and spiritually. They were hated by their Egyptian neighbors. They could be attacked without provocation at any time. They were outnumbered and faced with an oppressor that was ruthless: even forcing them to make bricks without straw.
The times are not so different now, as we face Jew hatred on all sides, and Israel is constantly being attacked by enemies who have repeatedly demonstrated that they have no ethics or morals. And we too are slaves (as we say at Passover): slaves to our fears; to Jew haters who have made our college campuses and streets into Jew hating demonstration areas; slaves to a society that wants us to abandon our Judaism and Jewish identities.
The ancient Hebrews learned a lesson that we must all learn in these present day challenges: our ally for survival is not man, but God. Our ancestors cried out to God for relief in the same way that we are doing now. They wanted release from physical slavery, and we now cry out for the freedom to be Jewish (safely) and for the survival of our Holy Land.
We all know how the story turned out for the Hebrews: they were released from slavery by God, and ultimately came to the promised land. To quote Debbie Friedman z"l, "Not by Might and Not by Power, But By Spirit Alone". Any strength or power we might have to triumph in these days is a gift from God, and we need to accept that gift so that we, like our ancestors, are redeemed from this darkness.
How can we do this?
The Midrash teaches that the Hebrews were released from Egypt because of a few reasons; one of which is they kept practicing the brit milah (circumcision), another of which is that they retained their Hebrew names. Both are clear statements that they were Jewish both privately and publicly. We need to do the same...
I don't mean that you should go out and get circumcised (again). But the use of their Hebrew names was a public statement that no matter what Pharaoh and the Egyptians did, the people would always take a public stand of being Jews.
We need to do the same: be proud of being Jewish, connected with Israel, and of our ties to our Judaism. Unless it is clearly a danger, we need to wear our chai necklaces, our hebrew t-shirts, and keep our mezuzot on the door. We need to stand up as Jews... as partners with God, knowing that this partnership is what will always give us might and protection in all ways.
So here's a practical and simple way to do this. Use your Hebrew name more often. Identify and integrate yourself with it. If you don't know your Hebrew name, or if you have never resonated with the Hebrew name you have, reach out to me and we will find your soul's Hebrew name together. If there are a lot of people who reach out to me, we will do a special Hebrew naming ceremony: it is very beautiful and involves the community and the Torahs, and is both ancient and meaningful.
May we all be blessed to embrace our names and our partnership with God; and may we always remember our special, unique, and individual relationship with the Divine.
Shabbat Shalom, and Chazak u'Baruch
Rabbi Michael Barclay
(HaRav Moshe Yisrael ben Avram HaCohen)
January 5th, 2024
24th of Tevet, 5784
01/04/24 11:55pm: Today; History, the Present; and Our Future...
As we enter Day 91 of this war, it is worth pausing for a moment as this is a powerful day in Jewish history; and can help us understand what is going on in 2024 at a deeper level.
Every day of the year has momentous events in our long history. Today may be remembered for the attack from the Iran backed Houthis on American and commercial vessels in the Red Sea. It may be remembered as the day when Israeli War Cabinet ministers yelled at each other about how Gaza should be handled after the war. It is doubtful, but it may even be remembered as "Tetris Day", since today was the first time in history that anyone beat and broke the game of Tetris. (a 13 yr old did it...I know it's silly, but silly news can be healing in these dark days).
But it is already remembered for 4 moments in Jewish history, and we should pause, remember these events, and use them as guideposts for our own behavior and understanding
In the 3rd century BCE, this was the day that the Septuagint was delivered to the Greeks. 72 Jewish elders (6 from each tribe) each translated the Torah into Greek. Without dialogue between them, the translation was the same (implying Divine intervention). Although there are some challenges with the translation, it allowed our Torah to become the foundation stone of all Western culture. As God gave it to us, we delivered it to the entire world through this Greek translation. The Jews demonstrated the crucial part we play in world history.
On this date in 1785, Haym Salomon died. Recognized as the financier of the American Revolution, he was responsible for our nation's independence. When the war was on the edge of victory or defeat for the battle of Yorktown and the Continental Army had no funds for food or equipment, George Washington said only one sentence. "Send for Haym Salomon" This Jewish financier, who died penniless, got Washington the money needed, and we won Yorktown and the war. Salomon demonstrated the importance of Jews in America from the very beginning of this nation, and is the model of how we should give charity of our time, effort, and finances.
On this day in 1812, R. Shneur Zalman of Liadi, the founder of the Lubavich movement of Hasidism also died. The author of the Tanya, he combined intellect, wisdom, and mysticism and founded what came to be known as Chabad. Through his teachings, countless people have achieved a more conscious awareness of their relationship with God. The Alter Rebbe, as he was also known, demonstrated to the Jewish world that intellect and spirituality are not contradictory, but complimentary.
And on this date in 1949, Israel held elections for its first Knesset. We had our homeland, and showed the world that Jews will always survive and thrive by having those elections...becoming and remaining the only democracy in the Middle East.
Each of these four events have one thing in common: they were demonstrations to the world of the importance of the Jewish people. They were gifts that made Judaism, Israel, democracy, and God more present in the world.
Our Sages teach that we should contemplate how we will be remembered after we leave this physical world. Looking at this day in history, we need to all ask ourselves the question:
What positive gifts have we demonstrated to the world on behalf of the Jewish people?
And after really contemplating that, let us all act in ways that make the world a better place...and may we all leave it better than it was when we came into it.
Chazak u'Baruch
Rabbi Michael Barclay
January 4, 2024
24th of Tevet, 5784
01/04/24 8:17am: The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same
It is joked that all Jewish holidays consist of "they attacked us, we won, now let's eat". While not true in any way (Jewish holidays have some of the most powerful teachings and potential personal experiences of any spiritual rituals in human history), there is a truth that patterns emerge if you bother to look
Israel traded rockets with Hezbollah today in the north, while sirens went off in the south from Gaza. This seems like an almost daily pattern: a pattern of Israel being attacked on all sides, and it has been Israel's situation since 1948: we are attacked; we successfully retaliate; and then we get a brief respite with promises of peace. With God's help, we shall continue to overcome all these attacks, destroy the evils that want to turn the world into an Islamic theocracy without Israel or Jews, and this time create a time of lasting peace in Israel... but for now, the pattern continues.
Patterns can be seen in the recent Harvard debacle. Like many universities, Harvard has a history of institutionalized Jew hatred. From inviting Ernst Hanfstaengl, Hitler's foreign press chief to speak in 1934 to still maintaining the Harvard Alfred Krupp Fellowship (Krupp was a Nazi industrialist who was convicted for crimes against humanity), Harvard has a sordid history of Jew hatred. As we saw in the now famous Congressional testimony, they are not alone, as the Presidents of MIT and UPenn joined in Harvard President Gay's inability to condemn Jew hatred.
In the past, after a university's Jew hatred is exposed, there is public act of contrition before the institutionalized hatred of Jews is integrated back into the school's practices. In 1934, it was Harvard not accepting a $1000 check from Hanfstaengl. Today, the act of contrition is to hire a token Jew, Alan Garber, the current provost and a professor of economics, public policy, and related topics, is now the interim president of Harvard.
This is a very public act of contrition, but is analogous to a bigot saying that he knows lots of people who are black. While it would be fabulous if Garber fights against the institutionalized Jew hatred at Harvard, that is probably overly optimistic. A graduate of Harvard, Garber has been integrated into the university community since completing his undergraduate degree in 1979, and continuing on with his graduate work there and subsequent professorship. As Provost, he has been in charge of academic policies. When the horrors of Octover 7 happened, Garber said in a November interview that Harvard did not respond correctly. But he also did not use his position as Provost at the time to push the issue: something he could have easily done, but that would have taken courage.
As the new interim President, we can look at a few things to see if this is the hiring of a token Jew as a public relations stunt to keep Jewish donors to Harvard from leaving because of former President Gay's Jew hatred; or if Harvard really does want to stop the prevalent Jew hatred on campus. We can see how Garber reacts to the pro-Hamas groups on campus, and whether he condemns their hate and enforces the conduct code of Harvard. We can watch and see if he makes any changes to the policy revealed by the Jewish Alumni Association data that showed that Harvard's goal is to reduce Jewish student population to 1-2 percent (it was 20-25 percent in the 1990s and 2000s, and is currently 5-7 percent). Will Garber finally remove the Krupp Fellowship to the University, or continue to have the name of a convicted Nazi war criminal tied to Harvard.
Will he be the token Jew who remains quiet, and allows the patterns of Jew hatred to continue at Harvard? Or will he lead Harvard, and as a result, either universities around the country, into taking a stand against Jew hatred, a stand against the genocidal goals of pro-Palestinian demonstrations, and a stand for Israel, the only democracy in the region?
Let’s all hope and pray that patterns change; that we seedily are blessed with a real and lasting peace in Israel; and that with the leadership of Alan Garber at Harvard, that institutionalized Jew hatred at universities at Harvard and beyond is stopped.
And while we wait and see, may we all stay strong and stay safe.
Chazak u'Baruch
Rabbi Michael Barclay
January 4, 2024
23rd of Tevet, 5784
01/04/24 8:17am: An Appeal: Be Prepared
As a result of the death of the Hamas leader in Beirut, Iran and Hezbollah are ramping up their rhetoric, and their missiles
The past 12 hours have seen threats coming towards Israel, especially from Hezbollah Chief Hassan Nasrallah, who has made it clear that he wants to have an all out war. In 2006, the United Nations Security Council Resolution was accepted by Hezbollah to no longer attack Israel. Within a short period of time, Hezbollah broke that agreement; and they have consistently been periodically attacking Israel from the north for 17 years. With the Gaza War, they have increased their attacks. Now, after the death of Hamas leader al-Arouri, they are verbally committing to war, and the IDF is on high alert in the north.
In Iran, the temperature is the same. With the death of over 130 people at the grave of Iranian General Soleimani; Iran is blaming both the US and Israel for the deaths (which were apparently actually caused by suicide bombers). Iran too is clamoring for war against Israel.
The IDF is on alert and prepared, and Israeli citizens see the very real possibility of another war front. Tensions are high, and the people have both nervous tension and a strong commitment to doing what must be done...on however many fronts it takes.
As it looks progressively more likely that Hezbollah tunnels will be used for an attack on Israel in conjunction with rockets, the north of Israel is in need. The Bnai Zion Hospital (that our community has helped raise over $500,000 for) is in Haifa, and the equipment that we helped provide, which has already saved hundreds of lives, may be needed for much more (for those unaware, Haifa is in the north of the country) in the coming days and weeks.
I know that I have asked for help for this hospital over the last three months, and may each of you who helped so far be blessed a thousand times over for your help.
And I need to ask again. Medical equipment is needed, and that doesn't happen in a day... it takes time to purchase and have delivered to the hospital. But we may only have days until the north becomes filled with casualties, God forbid.
And so I am asking you again to help our brothers and sisters in Israel. I am asking you to help now so that medical equipment can be obtained before things get even worse in the north. Please donate whatever you can to for preparing the hospital for darker times.
I have been asked why I support this hospital so much, and there are a few reasons. For those people who want to support Israel, but would rather directly help the healing as opposed to helping the battles...this is a great way to follow your heart. The new facility was built inside a nuclear proof bunker, and is one of the safest places in Israel. And as much as anything, I know that every dime donated goes directly to buying medical equipment. Most charities take an "administrative fee" for staff. Bnai Zion does not as the staff costs are endowed; and this is a guarantee that is rare. Many temples are taking the same type of fee for raising money for Israel, but not in this case, every dollar goes directly to the hospital.
And we can be proud that we are saving Israeli lives.
Please be aware of how the currents are shifting towards violence in the north, and I hope you will help prepare Israel for that by going to and donating whatever you can afford... be it a dollar or a thousand dollars (or more).
I have given charity my entire adult life, but the help given to Bnai Zion is the first time I know with certainty that my money is not paying for high salaries at a non-profit; and more importantly... that my gift is helping save the lives of people who will B"H have children, grandchildren., and many more.generstions.
Those of you who know me well now that I am always recalcitrant to ask for donations for anything, even our own temple (and am grateful each year for community members who make that appeal). But I said to Allison when our community helped to purchase the medical equipment, that it was the first time in my life that I felt like I really did something important. That I am part of actually saving the lives of others. I ask that you join me in that amazing feeling, and give generously.
Please forward this email to all you know, and together, let's get some much needed equipment to Bnai Zion Medical Center now... so that it is at the hospital if and when the time comes and it is needed.
Thank you for your help and generosity, and may you and your children be blessed for this good deed, and I look forward to seeing you on Friday night for Shabbat services.
Chazak u'Baruch
Rabbi Michael Barclay
January 3, 2024
23rd of Tevet, 5784
01/03/24 2:56am: The Rollercoaster of War & Some News That Isn't Being Reported in the U.S.
We must remember that in Judaism, the goal of war is not "victory", but a lasting peace (this is clear through the Torah, Tanakh, Talmud, and subsequent commentaries). In terms of war with Amalek, Chazal (ancient Sages) are clear that means the utter destruction of the evil; for without that destruction there can be no lasting peace. And Hamas is the modern incarnation of Amalek, and must be destroyed. The death of the Hamas leader yesterday is a step in that direction, especially because of his influence in the financial arm of Hamas.
We are at war on so many levels, from physical survival to the deepest spiritual aspects of our souls. All war is like a roller coaster, filled with ups and downs until we get to a lasting peace. Some of the ups of the last 24 hours, such as al-Arouri's death have been reported, but we need to be aware of other parts of the roller coaster that also happened.
Al-Arouri is apparently dead (although we are still waiting for confirmation from the IDF); and it was a blessing that Claudine Gay resigned from the Harvard Presidency. Her Jew hatred was clear in her words to Congress, and her forced resignation seems to create an optimism for colleges.
But not everything is as clear as it may seem.
Gay will be stepping down as President of Harvard, but will still be teaching there as tenured faculty. Her replacement will probably have similar views towards Israel, given that her resignation is based in her plagiarism, not her anti-Semitism. Soon after October 7, the Dean of Harvard's Graduate School of Education sent out an email blaming "both Hamas and the Israeli government" for October 7...and that Dean was not criticized nor were there statements from Harvard that specifically blamed Hamas. Jewish students feel unsafe there; Rabbi David Wolpe resigned from his position there; and the university still has not said nor done anything to combat anti-Semitism on campus. Given that the Harvard Jewish Alumni Alliance found data that Joel Pollak reported on showing that it is Harvard's goal to reduce the Jewish student population to 1-2 percent (it was 20-25% in the 1990s and 2000s), it is doubtful that the anti-Semitism will change on Harvard's campus.
While a top Hamas leader died, there are now credible threats that have caused the IDF to formally be put on "very high level of readiness", as Iran, Hezbollah, et al are making threats of retaliation for al-Asouri's death. This is concerning as the IDF has discovered this week Hezbollah tunnels in southern Lebanon that apparently dwarf the Hamas tunnel system; are much deeper and more sophisticated; and were started long before the Gaza tunnels.
At the same time, the U.S. media seems to be quiet about what has happened in Turkey on Tuesday night. Turkish police arrested 34 Israelis accused of being Mossad with intent to kill Hamas leadership. Unlike most Western nations and even some Arab nations, Turkey does not recognize Hamas as a "terrorist" group; and has made it clear that they will consider the death of Hamas leaders living in Turkey as an act of hostility from Israel.
So while there is the positive news of both Gay's resignation and al-Asouri's death, these successes are also prompting additional potential challenges as Hezbollah, Iran, and now Turkey are vowing to retaliate. Gay's resignation is already being blamed on racism from Jews towards blacks, and it is likely that anti-Semitism will increase institutionally on college campuses as tenured faculty and administration seek to double down on their hatred for Israel and Jews.
And so we must continue to have faith and act. To pray and speak out to our friends and neighbors in order to educate them. To recite Psalms for protection of the IDF, and donate to Israeli and Jewish causes. ( will immediately transform your financial donations into much needed medical equipment at Bnai Zion Hospital).
Pray in your own personal way or with a community (you can come to services this Friday for a Shabbat together, or stream the services if you can't be there physically), and have faith that God will always fulfill His covenant with our people. And please combine action with your prayers in the form of time, finances, and/or education.
The people of Israel will always live... but we need to partner with God through our prayers and actions.
As Hillel said, "If not now, when?"
Chazak u'Baruch
Rabbi Michael Barclay
January 3, 2024
22nd of Tevet, 5784
01/02/24 10:23am: Hamas Leader Killed
In November, PM Netanyahu announced that he had instructed Mossad to "act against the heads of Hamas wherever they are". At the same time, Defense Minister Gallant said that all Hamas leaders are "living on borrowed time...the struggle is worldwide".
It has been reported that at approximated 8:30am PST, Hamas deputy leader abroad Saleh al-Anouri was killed in a targeted strike on a suburb of Beirut. He was the head of Hamas political bureau; and considered the head of Hamas in the West Bank; managed West Bank attacks for Hamas; and was was one of the main financial cogs that arranged for money to be transferred to military operations for Hamas and Hezbollah. Although the IDF has yet to confirm it, Hamas and Reuters have each confirmed his death in the srrike.
This was one of the heads of the snake of Hamas, a reptile of evil devoted to the destruction not only of Jews and Israel, but of the Western world in favor of the Islamic theocracy that he sought. There can be no sorrow for his death.
But neither can there be any joy. I know that for many of us, there is an initial reaction to celebrate the death of this monster. But I pray that none of us rejoice in this, for the moment that we rejoice in the destruction of evil is the moment we become that evil. To destroy Hamas and kill its leadership is truly a mitzvah, a commandment, based on the instruction by God to destroy Amalek. But we cannot allow ourselves to take any joy in doing this.
There is a teaching that cannot be repeated enough in these days of war. The Midrash teaches that the angels started to rejoice when Pharoh's soldiers were drowned in the Sea of Reeds. God stopped them, saying that the work of His hands was being destroyed, and they wanted to sing hymns? God showed us in that moment that we do what needs to be done... in that case the death of Pharaoh’s soldiers, in our case the destruction of Hamas and death of men like al-Anouri. But God also shows us that we cannot be joyous about killing anyone...even those as evil as Hamas that must be utterly and completely destroyed.
We must and will do what is needed, and Gallant and Netanyahu were clear that this includes the death of every Hamas leader. But for the sake of our own souls, let us not rejoice in this mission lest we become the evil we seek to destroy.
Baruch Dayan Emet...Blessed is the One who judges in truth
Chazak u'Baruch
Rabbi Michael Barclay
January 2, 2023
21st of Tevet, 5784
01/02/24 5:00am: Attacks and Politics in Israel
You may have noticed that as the IDF makes progress in Gaza, the attacks on Israel intensify elsewhere. Hezbollah has been firing progressively more rockets, requiring evacuation in some towns in the north of Israel; and terrorist attacks have increased in the West Bank... this morning 4 terrorists were killed after throwing grenades and shooting at IDF troops. It seems more and more like we are in a war on 3 full fronts.
Then there is the internal war and strife over Israel politics. You will probably read today about the Israeli High Court of Justice's decision. Simply put, the Knesset is the elected political body in Israel. The courts are appointed. A bill was passed this past year that gave more power to the legislative branch than the judicial. The argument on both sides:
---those favoring curtailing the judical branch's power do not like that an elected body of legislation can be overruled by non-appointed individuals, who may not represent the will of the people.
---those favoring leaving the law in place that allows judicial to overturn legislative feel that laws should not be able to be changed so easily by a government that might have a tiny majority in the legislature.
The issue has to do with which body has more control. The Court in Israel determined that the Court should continue to have more power than the legislation.
I know that those of you who deeply follow Israeli politics will say that there are many more issues, but that is the simplistic overview of the High Court's rulings.
What is most important about this issue is that we do not let it tear us apart... in our communities, our support of Israel, which must be undying, or in Israel herself. We cannot let any political issue interrupt us from finishing the job that must be done in Gaza.
Israel is being attacked on all sides, and we must never allow any issue to prevent us from fully supporting Israel in this time of need. Rather, we should continue to support good causes that help Israel... and do important work for Jews here, Israel, and the world.
Chazak, "Chazak u'Baruch
Rabbi Michael Barclay
January 2, 2024
21st of Tevet, 5784
01/01/24 6:00am: Hamas Attacks to Bring in 2024 in Israel
Happy New Year! May we all be blessed in 2024 with good health, prosperity, fun, love, and peace.
Israel was attacked by at least 27 rockets from Gaza to Tel Aviv at exactly midnight. Thank God, the Iron Dome protected the people, but it is a reminder for all of us that as we celebrate, watch football, go to NYE parties, etc., our brothers and sisters in Israel are under constant attack.
We need to always remember that one of the darkest moments in Jewish history happened in 2023, on Oct. 7. As Hamas expected, the world has little empathy or compassion for Jews, even those kidnapped and tortured. In less than 3 months, the rage at Hamas kidnapping young and old civilians has dissipated... and the hostages are being used as pawns for Hamas to regroup, re-arm, and repeat the horrors they have committed to verbally and in writing...their commitment being to repeat that depraved day even a "million times".
As we enter 2024, it is imperative that we Never Forget 2023 and what happened; that we Never Forget the evils perpetrated by Hamas; and that we re-commit ourselves to prayer and action to support Israel and Judaism.
Do your new year resolutions include a greater personal commitment to supporting Israel? To tying yourselves to other Jews in community?
I enjoin us all to make a New Year resolution to Never Forget Oct. 7; and to remind everyone we can about the horrors of that day, the evil of Hamas, the actual geopolitical history of the region, and the importance to the world that Hamas is entirely destroyed.
Let the fireworks around the world become lights of commitment to fight evil, to be connected with Jews, and to always support Israel with prayer, action, and constant words.
Happy secular New Year, and let our resolutions be strong and true.
Chazak u'Baruch
Rabbi Michael Barclay
January 1st, 2024
20th of Tevet, 5784
12/31/23 6:00am: Egyptian Proposals & Planting Trees
Hamas leaders are in Cairo, and Egyptian leaders arrived in Tel Aviv today, claiming to bring a deal to "end the war". "Anonymous" reports/leaks suggest that this will be a proposal to release some Israeli hostages in exchange for A: release of terrorists currently in Israeli prisons; B: IDF withdrawing entirely from Gaza; and C: that there will be a joint PA/Hamas government in Gaza.
While most of us see the danger this would bring to Israel; please remember that the Netanyahu led government of Israel is getting tremendous pressure from the Biden government to do any deal that will get the war, as well as the Jew hating demonstrations, out of the headlines as we get closer to the election in 2024. At the same time, there has now been increasing media accusing Netanyahu of not doing enough to prevent October 7. This type of peace deal would be dangerous... remember, the Covenant of 1988, the charter of Hamas, specifically says the only reason to sit at a peace negotiation table is to gain an element of surprise in another future attack, and directly say that there are never to be honest negotiations with Israel. But the challenges of politicians and behind the scene pressures can create dangerous scenarios.
It is for this reason among others that we need to make sure that every political office from local to state to national needs to be held by people who are 100% committed to ethics, and to unconditionally supporting Israel (and not believe the myths of "palestine"). We need to relieve the pressure in Israel to negotiate any type of "peace deal" that does not entirely destroy every aspect and cell of Hamas.
It would seem that for our own survival, each of us need to get involved in politics and help pro-Israel candidates.
Even in challenging times, there is always light, if we look. Today is the 19th of Tevet, a day marked for two anniversaries that affect us. December 23, 1888 (19th of Tevet 5649) is the yahrzeit of Lawrence Oliphant. A British MP who wrote the book "Eretz HaGilead", the Land of Gilead.. This powerful book calls for a Jewish state to be established in the region north of Transjordan. The Turks were not interested at all. Oliphant's work identifies two realities that we need to remember: 1: Both the Turks and the British referred to the country of the area as Transjordan (not "palestine", and 2; Moslems who believe in "waqf", the Islamic rite of holy possession, will never let go of the land willingly...and this is a truth that we must always keep in mind when dealing with Hamas-type fanatics.
The other significance of this date is that today, the 19th of Tevet, is the establishment date of the Jewish National Fund in 1901. The JNF was established to help purchase settlement land in Israel; and has subsequently become responsible for planting over 220 milliom trees in Israel. Israel is the ONLY country in the world to end the 20th century with more trees than they started the 20th century with.
Let us all choose in 2024 to get more involved in politics that support Israel and fight Jew hatred domestically. And may we all plant a tree... or a glade... or even a forest... here or in Israel.
And may all our individual plantings birth a Tree of Life that supports and sustains Israel. now and always.
Chazak u'Baruch
Rabbi Michael Barclay
December 31, 2023
19th of Tevet, 5784
12/30/23 7:48am: Torture, Rape, & Inspiration
Sometimes a synopsis is easier on the soul than the full story, especially in cases of torture.
Yesterday, the New York Times published an article dealing with the Hamas methods of torturing Israeli hostages through rape and sexual torture of women. This is in conjunction with the interview of hostage Mia Schem on Israeli television, a 22 year old young woman who was taken hostage at the rave party and then released 54 days later. Her interview is powerful and painful; and she speaks clearly and with examples as to why there are no innocents in Gaza. Her exact words were "I experienced hell. Everyone there are terrorists... there are no innocent civilians, not one."
Both Mia's interviews and the NY Times article are reflective of the same truths: Hamas is truly evil; supported by Gazan "civilians"; and has perpetrated sexual tortures on Israeli women that are beyond despicable, sick, and depraved.
We must never forget, and never let the world forget nor ignore what Hamas really is and what they have done.
If you wish, you can learn the details of some of Hamas' horrors by reading the article in the Times or watching the interview on Israeli television. But if you do, be prepared for the pain and please have a friend to discuss it with afterwards.
Or you can focus your anger at what Hamas has done into a passion for healing and beauty, as was done in the video below. It is self explanatory, but spectacularly beautiful and inspiring; using the talents of 1000 Israeli musicians at the Amphitheater in Caesarea... one of the most beautiful venues in Israel and close to 2000 years old.
Never forget, and Never Let the Woeld Forget. Never again is now.
Chazak u'Baruch
Rabbi Michael Barclay
December 30, 2023
18th of Tevet, 5784
01/04/24 8:17am: The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same
It is joked that all Jewish holidays consist of "they attacked us, we won, now let's eat". While not true in any way (Jewish holidays have some of the most powerful teachings and potential personal experiences of any spiritual rituals in human history), there is a truth that patterns emerge if you bother to look
Israel traded rockets with Hezbollah today in the north, while sirens went off in the south from Gaza. This seems like an almost daily pattern: a pattern of Israel being attacked on all sides, and it has been Israel's situation since 1948: we are attacked; we successfully retaliate; and then we get a brief respite with promises of peace. With God's help, we shall continue to overcome all these attacks, destroy the evils that want to turn the world into an Islamic theocracy without Israel or Jews, and this time create a time of lasting peace in Israel... but for now, the pattern continues.
Patterns can be seen in the recent Harvard debacle. Like many universities, Harvard has a history of institutionalized Jew hatred. From inviting Ernst Hanfstaengl, Hitler's foreign press chief to speak in 1934 to still maintaining the Harvard Alfred Krupp Fellowship (Krupp was a Nazi industrialist who was convicted for crimes against humanity), Harvard has a sordid history of Jew hatred. As we saw in the now famous Congressional testimony, they are not alone, as the Presidents of MIT and UPenn joined in Harvard President Gay's inability to condemn Jew hatred.
In the past, after a university's Jew hatred is exposed, there is public act of contrition before the institutionalized hatred of Jews is integrated back into the school's practices. In 1934, it was Harvard not accepting a $1000 check from Hanfstaengl. Today, the act of contrition is to hire a token Jew, Alan Garber, the current provost and a professor of economics, public policy, and related topics, is now the interim president of Harvard.
This is a very public act of contrition, but is analogous to a bigot saying that he knows lots of people who are black. While it would be fabulous if Garber fights against the institutionalized Jew hatred at Harvard, that is probably overly optimistic. A graduate of Harvard, Garber has been integrated into the university community since completing his undergraduate degree in 1979, and continuing on with his graduate work there and subsequent professorship. As Provost, he has been in charge of academic policies. When the horrors of Octover 7 happened, Garber said in a November interview that Harvard did not respond correctly. But he also did not use his position as Provost at the time to push the issue: something he could have easily done, but that would have taken courage.
As the new interim President, we can look at a few things to see if this is the hiring of a token Jew as a public relations stunt to keep Jewish donors to Harvard from leaving because of former President Gay's Jew hatred; or if Harvard really does want to stop the prevalent Jew hatred on campus. We can see how Garber reacts to the pro-Hamas groups on campus, and whether he condemns their hate and enforces the conduct code of Harvard. We can watch and see if he makes any changes to the policy revealed by the Jewish Alumni Association data that showed that Harvard's goal is to reduce Jewish student population to 1-2 percent (it was 20-25 percent in the 1990s and 2000s, and is currently 5-7 percent). Will Garber finally remove the Krupp Fellowship to the University, or continue to have the name of a convicted Nazi war criminal tied to Harvard.
Will he be the token Jew who remains quiet, and allows the patterns of Jew hatred to continue at Harvard? Or will he lead Harvard, and as a result, either universities around the country, into taking a stand against Jew hatred, a stand against the genocidal goals of pro-Palestinian demonstrations, and a stand for Israel, the only democracy in the region?
Let’s all hope and pray that patterns change; that we seedily are blessed with a real and lasting peace in Israel; and that with the leadership of Alan Garber at Harvard, that institutionalized Jew hatred at universities at Harvard and beyond is stopped.
And while we wait and see, may we all stay strong and stay safe.
Chazak u'Baruch
Rabbi Michael Barclay
January 4, 2024
23rd of Tevet, 5784
01/04/24 8:17am: The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same
It is joked that all Jewish holidays consist of "they attacked us, we won, now let's eat". While not true in any way (Jewish holidays have some of the most powerful teachings and potential personal experiences of any spiritual rituals in human history), there is a truth that patterns emerge if you bother to look
Israel traded rockets with Hezbollah today in the north, while sirens went off in the south from Gaza. This seems like an almost daily pattern: a pattern of Israel being attacked on all sides, and it has been Israel's situation since 1948: we are attacked; we successfully retaliate; and then we get a brief respite with promises of peace. With God's help, we shall continue to overcome all these attacks, destroy the evils that want to turn the world into an Islamic theocracy without Israel or Jews, and this time create a time of lasting peace in Israel... but for now, the pattern continues.
Patterns can be seen in the recent Harvard debacle. Like many universities, Harvard has a history of institutionalized Jew hatred. From inviting Ernst Hanfstaengl, Hitler's foreign press chief to speak in 1934 to still maintaining the Harvard Alfred Krupp Fellowship (Krupp was a Nazi industrialist who was convicted for crimes against humanity), Harvard has a sordid history of Jew hatred. As we saw in the now famous Congressional testimony, they are not alone, as the Presidents of MIT and UPenn joined in Harvard President Gay's inability to condemn Jew hatred.
In the past, after a university's Jew hatred is exposed, there is public act of contrition before the institutionalized hatred of Jews is integrated back into the school's practices. In 1934, it was Harvard not accepting a $1000 check from Hanfstaengl. Today, the act of contrition is to hire a token Jew, Alan Garber, the current provost and a professor of economics, public policy, and related topics, is now the interim president of Harvard.
This is a very public act of contrition, but is analogous to a bigot saying that he knows lots of people who are black. While it would be fabulous if Garber fights against the institutionalized Jew hatred at Harvard, that is probably overly optimistic. A graduate of Harvard, Garber has been integrated into the university community since completing his undergraduate degree in 1979, and continuing on with his graduate work there and subsequent professorship. As Provost, he has been in charge of academic policies. When the horrors of Octover 7 happened, Garber said in a November interview that Harvard did not respond correctly. But he also did not use his position as Provost at the time to push the issue: something he could have easily done, but that would have taken courage.
As the new interim President, we can look at a few things to see if this is the hiring of a token Jew as a public relations stunt to keep Jewish donors to Harvard from leaving because of former President Gay's Jew hatred; or if Harvard really does want to stop the prevalent Jew hatred on campus. We can see how Garber reacts to the pro-Hamas groups on campus, and whether he condemns their hate and enforces the conduct code of Harvard. We can watch and see if he makes any changes to the policy revealed by the Jewish Alumni Association data that showed that Harvard's goal is to reduce Jewish student population to 1-2 percent (it was 20-25 percent in the 1990s and 2000s, and is currently 5-7 percent). Will Garber finally remove the Krupp Fellowship to the University, or continue to have the name of a convicted Nazi war criminal tied to Harvard.
Will he be the token Jew who remains quiet, and allows the patterns of Jew hatred to continue at Harvard? Or will he lead Harvard, and as a result, either universities around the country, into taking a stand against Jew hatred, a stand against the genocidal goals of pro-Palestinian demonstrations, and a stand for Israel, the only democracy in the region?
Let’s all hope and pray that patterns change; that we seedily are blessed with a real and lasting peace in Israel; and that with the leadership of Alan Garber at Harvard, that institutionalized Jew hatred at universities at Harvard and beyond is stopped.
And while we wait and see, may we all stay strong and stay safe.
Chazak u'Baruch
Rabbi Michael Barclay
January 4, 2024
23rd of Tevet, 5784
01/04/24 8:17am: The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same
It is joked that all Jewish holidays consist of "they attacked us, we won, now let's eat". While not true in any way (Jewish holidays have some of the most powerful teachings and potential personal experiences of any spiritual rituals in human history), there is a truth that patterns emerge if you bother to look
Israel traded rockets with Hezbollah today in the north, while sirens went off in the south from Gaza. This seems like an almost daily pattern: a pattern of Israel being attacked on all sides, and it has been Israel's situation since 1948: we are attacked; we successfully retaliate; and then we get a brief respite with promises of peace. With God's help, we shall continue to overcome all these attacks, destroy the evils that want to turn the world into an Islamic theocracy without Israel or Jews, and this time create a time of lasting peace in Israel... but for now, the pattern continues.
Patterns can be seen in the recent Harvard debacle. Like many universities, Harvard has a history of institutionalized Jew hatred. From inviting Ernst Hanfstaengl, Hitler's foreign press chief to speak in 1934 to still maintaining the Harvard Alfred Krupp Fellowship (Krupp was a Nazi industrialist who was convicted for crimes against humanity), Harvard has a sordid history of Jew hatred. As we saw in the now famous Congressional testimony, they are not alone, as the Presidents of MIT and UPenn joined in Harvard President Gay's inability to condemn Jew hatred.
In the past, after a university's Jew hatred is exposed, there is public act of contrition before the institutionalized hatred of Jews is integrated back into the school's practices. In 1934, it was Harvard not accepting a $1000 check from Hanfstaengl. Today, the act of contrition is to hire a token Jew, Alan Garber, the current provost and a professor of economics, public policy, and related topics, is now the interim president of Harvard.
This is a very public act of contrition, but is analogous to a bigot saying that he knows lots of people who are black. While it would be fabulous if Garber fights against the institutionalized Jew hatred at Harvard, that is probably overly optimistic. A graduate of Harvard, Garber has been integrated into the university community since completing his undergraduate degree in 1979, and continuing on with his graduate work there and subsequent professorship. As Provost, he has been in charge of academic policies. When the horrors of Octover 7 happened, Garber said in a November interview that Harvard did not respond correctly. But he also did not use his position as Provost at the time to push the issue: something he could have easily done, but that would have taken courage.
As the new interim President, we can look at a few things to see if this is the hiring of a token Jew as a public relations stunt to keep Jewish donors to Harvard from leaving because of former President Gay's Jew hatred; or if Harvard really does want to stop the prevalent Jew hatred on campus. We can see how Garber reacts to the pro-Hamas groups on campus, and whether he condemns their hate and enforces the conduct code of Harvard. We can watch and see if he makes any changes to the policy revealed by the Jewish Alumni Association data that showed that Harvard's goal is to reduce Jewish student population to 1-2 percent (it was 20-25 percent in the 1990s and 2000s, and is currently 5-7 percent). Will Garber finally remove the Krupp Fellowship to the University, or continue to have the name of a convicted Nazi war criminal tied to Harvard.
Will he be the token Jew who remains quiet, and allows the patterns of Jew hatred to continue at Harvard? Or will he lead Harvard, and as a result, either universities around the country, into taking a stand against Jew hatred, a stand against the genocidal goals of pro-Palestinian demonstrations, and a stand for Israel, the only democracy in the region?
Let’s all hope and pray that patterns change; that we seedily are blessed with a real and lasting peace in Israel; and that with the leadership of Alan Garber at Harvard, that institutionalized Jew hatred at universities at Harvard and beyond is stopped.
And while we wait and see, may we all stay strong and stay safe.
Chazak u'Baruch
Rabbi Michael Barclay
January 4, 2024
23rd of Tevet, 5784
01/04/24 8:17am: The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same
It is joked that all Jewish holidays consist of "they attacked us, we won, now let's eat". While not true in any way (Jewish holidays have some of the most powerful teachings and potential personal experiences of any spiritual rituals in human history), there is a truth that patterns emerge if you bother to look
Israel traded rockets with Hezbollah today in the north, while sirens went off in the south from Gaza. This seems like an almost daily pattern: a pattern of Israel being attacked on all sides, and it has been Israel's situation since 1948: we are attacked; we successfully retaliate; and then we get a brief respite with promises of peace. With God's help, we shall continue to overcome all these attacks, destroy the evils that want to turn the world into an Islamic theocracy without Israel or Jews, and this time create a time of lasting peace in Israel... but for now, the pattern continues.
Patterns can be seen in the recent Harvard debacle. Like many universities, Harvard has a history of institutionalized Jew hatred. From inviting Ernst Hanfstaengl, Hitler's foreign press chief to speak in 1934 to still maintaining the Harvard Alfred Krupp Fellowship (Krupp was a Nazi industrialist who was convicted for crimes against humanity), Harvard has a sordid history of Jew hatred. As we saw in the now famous Congressional testimony, they are not alone, as the Presidents of MIT and UPenn joined in Harvard President Gay's inability to condemn Jew hatred.
In the past, after a university's Jew hatred is exposed, there is public act of contrition before the institutionalized hatred of Jews is integrated back into the school's practices. In 1934, it was Harvard not accepting a $1000 check from Hanfstaengl. Today, the act of contrition is to hire a token Jew, Alan Garber, the current provost and a professor of economics, public policy, and related topics, is now the interim president of Harvard.
This is a very public act of contrition, but is analogous to a bigot saying that he knows lots of people who are black. While it would be fabulous if Garber fights against the institutionalized Jew hatred at Harvard, that is probably overly optimistic. A graduate of Harvard, Garber has been integrated into the university community since completing his undergraduate degree in 1979, and continuing on with his graduate work there and subsequent professorship. As Provost, he has been in charge of academic policies. When the horrors of Octover 7 happened, Garber said in a November interview that Harvard did not respond correctly. But he also did not use his position as Provost at the time to push the issue: something he could have easily done, but that would have taken courage.
As the new interim President, we can look at a few things to see if this is the hiring of a token Jew as a public relations stunt to keep Jewish donors to Harvard from leaving because of former President Gay's Jew hatred; or if Harvard really does want to stop the prevalent Jew hatred on campus. We can see how Garber reacts to the pro-Hamas groups on campus, and whether he condemns their hate and enforces the conduct code of Harvard. We can watch and see if he makes any changes to the policy revealed by the Jewish Alumni Association data that showed that Harvard's goal is to reduce Jewish student population to 1-2 percent (it was 20-25 percent in the 1990s and 2000s, and is currently 5-7 percent). Will Garber finally remove the Krupp Fellowship to the University, or continue to have the name of a convicted Nazi war criminal tied to Harvard.
Will he be the token Jew who remains quiet, and allows the patterns of Jew hatred to continue at Harvard? Or will he lead Harvard, and as a result, either universities around the country, into taking a stand against Jew hatred, a stand against the genocidal goals of pro-Palestinian demonstrations, and a stand for Israel, the only democracy in the region?
Let’s all hope and pray that patterns change; that we seedily are blessed with a real and lasting peace in Israel; and that with the leadership of Alan Garber at Harvard, that institutionalized Jew hatred at universities at Harvard and beyond is stopped.
And while we wait and see, may we all stay strong and stay safe.
Chazak u'Baruch
Rabbi Michael Barclay
January 4, 2024
23rd of Tevet, 5784
01/04/24 8:17am: The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same
It is joked that all Jewish holidays consist of "they attacked us, we won, now let's eat". While not true in any way (Jewish holidays have some of the most powerful teachings and potential personal experiences of any spiritual rituals in human history), there is a truth that patterns emerge if you bother to look
Israel traded rockets with Hezbollah today in the north, while sirens went off in the south from Gaza. This seems like an almost daily pattern: a pattern of Israel being attacked on all sides, and it has been Israel's situation since 1948: we are attacked; we successfully retaliate; and then we get a brief respite with promises of peace. With God's help, we shall continue to overcome all these attacks, destroy the evils that want to turn the world into an Islamic theocracy without Israel or Jews, and this time create a time of lasting peace in Israel... but for now, the pattern continues.
Patterns can be seen in the recent Harvard debacle. Like many universities, Harvard has a history of institutionalized Jew hatred. From inviting Ernst Hanfstaengl, Hitler's foreign press chief to speak in 1934 to still maintaining the Harvard Alfred Krupp Fellowship (Krupp was a Nazi industrialist who was convicted for crimes against humanity), Harvard has a sordid history of Jew hatred. As we saw in the now famous Congressional testimony, they are not alone, as the Presidents of MIT and UPenn joined in Harvard President Gay's inability to condemn Jew hatred.
In the past, after a university's Jew hatred is exposed, there is public act of contrition before the institutionalized hatred of Jews is integrated back into the school's practices. In 1934, it was Harvard not accepting a $1000 check from Hanfstaengl. Today, the act of contrition is to hire a token Jew, Alan Garber, the current provost and a professor of economics, public policy, and related topics, is now the interim president of Harvard.
This is a very public act of contrition, but is analogous to a bigot saying that he knows lots of people who are black. While it would be fabulous if Garber fights against the institutionalized Jew hatred at Harvard, that is probably overly optimistic. A graduate of Harvard, Garber has been integrated into the university community since completing his undergraduate degree in 1979, and continuing on with his graduate work there and subsequent professorship. As Provost, he has been in charge of academic policies. When the horrors of Octover 7 happened, Garber said in a November interview that Harvard did not respond correctly. But he also did not use his position as Provost at the time to push the issue: something he could have easily done, but that would have taken courage.
As the new interim President, we can look at a few things to see if this is the hiring of a token Jew as a public relations stunt to keep Jewish donors to Harvard from leaving because of former President Gay's Jew hatred; or if Harvard really does want to stop the prevalent Jew hatred on campus. We can see how Garber reacts to the pro-Hamas groups on campus, and whether he condemns their hate and enforces the conduct code of Harvard. We can watch and see if he makes any changes to the policy revealed by the Jewish Alumni Association data that showed that Harvard's goal is to reduce Jewish student population to 1-2 percent (it was 20-25 percent in the 1990s and 2000s, and is currently 5-7 percent). Will Garber finally remove the Krupp Fellowship to the University, or continue to have the name of a convicted Nazi war criminal tied to Harvard.
Will he be the token Jew who remains quiet, and allows the patterns of Jew hatred to continue at Harvard? Or will he lead Harvard, and as a result, either universities around the country, into taking a stand against Jew hatred, a stand against the genocidal goals of pro-Palestinian demonstrations, and a stand for Israel, the only democracy in the region?
Let’s all hope and pray that patterns change; that we seedily are blessed with a real and lasting peace in Israel; and that with the leadership of Alan Garber at Harvard, that institutionalized Jew hatred at universities at Harvard and beyond is stopped.
And while we wait and see, may we all stay strong and stay safe.
Chazak u'Baruch
Rabbi Michael Barclay
January 4, 2024
23rd of Tevet, 5784
01/04/24 8:17am: The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same
It is joked that all Jewish holidays consist of "they attacked us, we won, now let's eat". While not true in any way (Jewish holidays have some of the most powerful teachings and potential personal experiences of any spiritual rituals in human history), there is a truth that patterns emerge if you bother to look
Israel traded rockets with Hezbollah today in the north, while sirens went off in the south from Gaza. This seems like an almost daily pattern: a pattern of Israel being attacked on all sides, and it has been Israel's situation since 1948: we are attacked; we successfully retaliate; and then we get a brief respite with promises of peace. With God's help, we shall continue to overcome all these attacks, destroy the evils that want to turn the world into an Islamic theocracy without Israel or Jews, and this time create a time of lasting peace in Israel... but for now, the pattern continues.
Patterns can be seen in the recent Harvard debacle. Like many universities, Harvard has a history of institutionalized Jew hatred. From inviting Ernst Hanfstaengl, Hitler's foreign press chief to speak in 1934 to still maintaining the Harvard Alfred Krupp Fellowship (Krupp was a Nazi industrialist who was convicted for crimes against humanity), Harvard has a sordid history of Jew hatred. As we saw in the now famous Congressional testimony, they are not alone, as the Presidents of MIT and UPenn joined in Harvard President Gay's inability to condemn Jew hatred.
In the past, after a university's Jew hatred is exposed, there is public act of contrition before the institutionalized hatred of Jews is integrated back into the school's practices. In 1934, it was Harvard not accepting a $1000 check from Hanfstaengl. Today, the act of contrition is to hire a token Jew, Alan Garber, the current provost and a professor of economics, public policy, and related topics, is now the interim president of Harvard.
This is a very public act of contrition, but is analogous to a bigot saying that he knows lots of people who are black. While it would be fabulous if Garber fights against the institutionalized Jew hatred at Harvard, that is probably overly optimistic. A graduate of Harvard, Garber has been integrated into the university community since completing his undergraduate degree in 1979, and continuing on with his graduate work there and subsequent professorship. As Provost, he has been in charge of academic policies. When the horrors of Octover 7 happened, Garber said in a November interview that Harvard did not respond correctly. But he also did not use his position as Provost at the time to push the issue: something he could have easily done, but that would have taken courage.
As the new interim President, we can look at a few things to see if this is the hiring of a token Jew as a public relations stunt to keep Jewish donors to Harvard from leaving because of former President Gay's Jew hatred; or if Harvard really does want to stop the prevalent Jew hatred on campus. We can see how Garber reacts to the pro-Hamas groups on campus, and whether he condemns their hate and enforces the conduct code of Harvard. We can watch and see if he makes any changes to the policy revealed by the Jewish Alumni Association data that showed that Harvard's goal is to reduce Jewish student population to 1-2 percent (it was 20-25 percent in the 1990s and 2000s, and is currently 5-7 percent). Will Garber finally remove the Krupp Fellowship to the University, or continue to have the name of a convicted Nazi war criminal tied to Harvard.
Will he be the token Jew who remains quiet, and allows the patterns of Jew hatred to continue at Harvard? Or will he lead Harvard, and as a result, either universities around the country, into taking a stand against Jew hatred, a stand against the genocidal goals of pro-Palestinian demonstrations, and a stand for Israel, the only democracy in the region?
Let’s all hope and pray that patterns change; that we seedily are blessed with a real and lasting peace in Israel; and that with the leadership of Alan Garber at Harvard, that institutionalized Jew hatred at universities at Harvard and beyond is stopped.
And while we wait and see, may we all stay strong and stay safe.
Chazak u'Baruch
Rabbi Michael Barclay
January 4, 2024
23rd of Tevet, 5784
01/04/24 8:17am: The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same
It is joked that all Jewish holidays consist of "they attacked us, we won, now let's eat". While not true in any way (Jewish holidays have some of the most powerful teachings and potential personal experiences of any spiritual rituals in human history), there is a truth that patterns emerge if you bother to look
Israel traded rockets with Hezbollah today in the north, while sirens went off in the south from Gaza. This seems like an almost daily pattern: a pattern of Israel being attacked on all sides, and it has been Israel's situation since 1948: we are attacked; we successfully retaliate; and then we get a brief respite with promises of peace. With God's help, we shall continue to overcome all these attacks, destroy the evils that want to turn the world into an Islamic theocracy without Israel or Jews, and this time create a time of lasting peace in Israel... but for now, the pattern continues.
Patterns can be seen in the recent Harvard debacle. Like many universities, Harvard has a history of institutionalized Jew hatred. From inviting Ernst Hanfstaengl, Hitler's foreign press chief to speak in 1934 to still maintaining the Harvard Alfred Krupp Fellowship (Krupp was a Nazi industrialist who was convicted for crimes against humanity), Harvard has a sordid history of Jew hatred. As we saw in the now famous Congressional testimony, they are not alone, as the Presidents of MIT and UPenn joined in Harvard President Gay's inability to condemn Jew hatred.
In the past, after a university's Jew hatred is exposed, there is public act of contrition before the institutionalized hatred of Jews is integrated back into the school's practices. In 1934, it was Harvard not accepting a $1000 check from Hanfstaengl. Today, the act of contrition is to hire a token Jew, Alan Garber, the current provost and a professor of economics, public policy, and related topics, is now the interim president of Harvard.
This is a very public act of contrition, but is analogous to a bigot saying that he knows lots of people who are black. While it would be fabulous if Garber fights against the institutionalized Jew hatred at Harvard, that is probably overly optimistic. A graduate of Harvard, Garber has been integrated into the university community since completing his undergraduate degree in 1979, and continuing on with his graduate work there and subsequent professorship. As Provost, he has been in charge of academic policies. When the horrors of Octover 7 happened, Garber said in a November interview that Harvard did not respond correctly. But he also did not use his position as Provost at the time to push the issue: something he could have easily done, but that would have taken courage.
As the new interim President, we can look at a few things to see if this is the hiring of a token Jew as a public relations stunt to keep Jewish donors to Harvard from leaving because of former President Gay's Jew hatred; or if Harvard really does want to stop the prevalent Jew hatred on campus. We can see how Garber reacts to the pro-Hamas groups on campus, and whether he condemns their hate and enforces the conduct code of Harvard. We can watch and see if he makes any changes to the policy revealed by the Jewish Alumni Association data that showed that Harvard's goal is to reduce Jewish student population to 1-2 percent (it was 20-25 percent in the 1990s and 2000s, and is currently 5-7 percent). Will Garber finally remove the Krupp Fellowship to the University, or continue to have the name of a convicted Nazi war criminal tied to Harvard.
Will he be the token Jew who remains quiet, and allows the patterns of Jew hatred to continue at Harvard? Or will he lead Harvard, and as a result, either universities around the country, into taking a stand against Jew hatred, a stand against the genocidal goals of pro-Palestinian demonstrations, and a stand for Israel, the only democracy in the region?
Let’s all hope and pray that patterns change; that we seedily are blessed with a real and lasting peace in Israel; and that with the leadership of Alan Garber at Harvard, that institutionalized Jew hatred at universities at Harvard and beyond is stopped.
And while we wait and see, may we all stay strong and stay safe.
Chazak u'Baruch
Rabbi Michael Barclay
January 4, 2024
23rd of Tevet, 5784
01/04/24 8:17am: The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same
It is joked that all Jewish holidays consist of "they attacked us, we won, now let's eat". While not true in any way (Jewish holidays have some of the most powerful teachings and potential personal experiences of any spiritual rituals in human history), there is a truth that patterns emerge if you bother to look
Israel traded rockets with Hezbollah today in the north, while sirens went off in the south from Gaza. This seems like an almost daily pattern: a pattern of Israel being attacked on all sides, and it has been Israel's situation since 1948: we are attacked; we successfully retaliate; and then we get a brief respite with promises of peace. With God's help, we shall continue to overcome all these attacks, destroy the evils that want to turn the world into an Islamic theocracy without Israel or Jews, and this time create a time of lasting peace in Israel... but for now, the pattern continues.
Patterns can be seen in the recent Harvard debacle. Like many universities, Harvard has a history of institutionalized Jew hatred. From inviting Ernst Hanfstaengl, Hitler's foreign press chief to speak in 1934 to still maintaining the Harvard Alfred Krupp Fellowship (Krupp was a Nazi industrialist who was convicted for crimes against humanity), Harvard has a sordid history of Jew hatred. As we saw in the now famous Congressional testimony, they are not alone, as the Presidents of MIT and UPenn joined in Harvard President Gay's inability to condemn Jew hatred.
In the past, after a university's Jew hatred is exposed, there is public act of contrition before the institutionalized hatred of Jews is integrated back into the school's practices. In 1934, it was Harvard not accepting a $1000 check from Hanfstaengl. Today, the act of contrition is to hire a token Jew, Alan Garber, the current provost and a professor of economics, public policy, and related topics, is now the interim president of Harvard.
This is a very public act of contrition, but is analogous to a bigot saying that he knows lots of people who are black. While it would be fabulous if Garber fights against the institutionalized Jew hatred at Harvard, that is probably overly optimistic. A graduate of Harvard, Garber has been integrated into the university community since completing his undergraduate degree in 1979, and continuing on with his graduate work there and subsequent professorship. As Provost, he has been in charge of academic policies. When the horrors of Octover 7 happened, Garber said in a November interview that Harvard did not respond correctly. But he also did not use his position as Provost at the time to push the issue: something he could have easily done, but that would have taken courage.
As the new interim President, we can look at a few things to see if this is the hiring of a token Jew as a public relations stunt to keep Jewish donors to Harvard from leaving because of former President Gay's Jew hatred; or if Harvard really does want to stop the prevalent Jew hatred on campus. We can see how Garber reacts to the pro-Hamas groups on campus, and whether he condemns their hate and enforces the conduct code of Harvard. We can watch and see if he makes any changes to the policy revealed by the Jewish Alumni Association data that showed that Harvard's goal is to reduce Jewish student population to 1-2 percent (it was 20-25 percent in the 1990s and 2000s, and is currently 5-7 percent). Will Garber finally remove the Krupp Fellowship to the University, or continue to have the name of a convicted Nazi war criminal tied to Harvard.
Will he be the token Jew who remains quiet, and allows the patterns of Jew hatred to continue at Harvard? Or will he lead Harvard, and as a result, either universities around the country, into taking a stand against Jew hatred, a stand against the genocidal goals of pro-Palestinian demonstrations, and a stand for Israel, the only democracy in the region?
Let’s all hope and pray that patterns change; that we seedily are blessed with a real and lasting peace in Israel; and that with the leadership of Alan Garber at Harvard, that institutionalized Jew hatred at universities at Harvard and beyond is stopped.
And while we wait and see, may we all stay strong and stay safe.
Chazak u'Baruch
Rabbi Michael Barclay
January 4, 2024
23rd of Tevet, 5784