Ki Tavo - Honoring the Past and Entering the Future
This week’s Torah portion of Ki Tavo (Deut. 26:1-29:8) teaches us how we are to enter the Promised Land,....
Ki Tavo - Honoring the Past and Entering the Future
Ki Teitzei - The Ethics of War
Shoftim - Pursuing True Justice
Elul - A Time to Prepare for Intimacy
Eikev - Actions Lead to Consequences
V’etchanan - Never Forget
Tisha b’Av - Turning Darkness Into Light
Matot/Masei - Our Word is Our Bond
Happy 4th of July
Pinchas, Passion, and a Hope for the Future
Balak - Selling Curses and Buying Blessings
Chukat - Because I Say So
Korah: True Leadership
Memorial Day is a Jewish Holiday Too
The Wilderness & The Wedding
The Wilderness & The Wedding
Behar/Bechukotai: Jewish Karma
Emor - Ethical Leadership Through Service
Achrei/Mot: Don’t Worry, Be Happy!
Tazria-Metzora: The Leprosy of Gossip